If you’re a fan of the Grand Theft Auto series, I’m hoping you’ll agree with me when I say it’s got an awesome soundtrack. So for your listening pleasure, I give you Herbie Hancock, as played on Grand Theft Auto’s Vice City.
I don’t know exactly what it is about the GTA games that makes my ass remain glued to the Lazy-boy for hours on end, but damn it! The GTAs are fucking addicting and getting me to turn the console off is harder than saying ‘seven selfish shellfish’ ten times in a row without messing up! Hmph…try saying it. You’ll see what I mean.
In the past, it’s been reported by the media that upon a GTA game’s date of release, people have actually camped out in front of electronic stores, eagerly awaiting to get there hands on the game. I’m not that devoted of a fan, but it sure sounds tempting. Sitting and chilling with fellow gamers sounds like it’d be fun, exchanging codes and secrets, favorite stories on how one of the many missions they played were completed…or failed.
Before I forget to mention, besides the fact that the game makes my mind go numb and my eyes dry from having stared at the screen for too long, I think there’s some really funny things on the game as well.
For instance, some of the things Liberty City’s or Vice City’s inhabitants (whichever game you’re playing) say are fucking hilarious. At the moment, I can’t recall what they say but do know they always have me laughing.
What is just so great about this game? Is it because you can plow someone down with the car you stole and get away with it? Is it because you can pick up hookers and watch your health level rise? Or could it be the ‘Vigilante’ missions you can go on? I really can’t decide. Those were just a few things off the top of my head to list here. I personally like pissing the cops off. Man o’ man! When you see the row of stars go from one lit up star to five…you’d better get the fuck outta there! Fucking swat team swarms in on you and let me tell you, if you got the codes to make them go away, you’d better get those fingers working otherwise you’re ass will be grass!
Anyways, I’m really looking forward to this game. I hope that Rockstar games can deliver what they have in the past. For those that see me online all the time…well, I hate to say it but you may not be seeing me for awhile once the game comes out.